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About Type 1 Diabetes

Rationale for the TRIGR Study

TRIGR and Breastfeeding

What is the TRIGR Study?

Health care support for families in the study

What I had to do if I participated in the TRIGR Study?

What I had to do if I participated in the TRIGR Study?

Participation in TRIGR is voluntary
Participation in the TRIGR study was voluntary. You received information about the study from a local study coordinator or physician and had an opportunity to ask questions before agreeing to participate. Even if you agreed to participate, we encouraged you to ask any questions you might have about the study at any time.

How would I know if my baby qualified?
Mothers were approached about the study while pregnant if they have type 1 diabetes, the unborn child’s father has type 1 diabetes or the unborn child has a full sibling with type 1 diabetes. Blood from the placenta (cord blood) was taken at birth to test for the genetic markers necessary for inclusion in the study. Approximately 45% of babies have the genetic markers of interest. The remaining babies would not be eligible for inclusion. Presence of the genetic markers does not mean that a child will develop diabetes, but it does mean that there is a slightly higher risk than if the markers were not present. The reverse is also true. Children who do not have the markers of interest may develop diabetes, but their risk is less than those with the genetic markers.

What was expected of my baby and me if we participated?
A study coordinator spoke to you before you delivered and explained the study. When you delivered your baby in the hospital, you and your baby were identified as TRIGR Study participants. Blood from the placenta (cord blood) was collected after delivery. During the first two years, there were 6 visits to the study centre and the study dietitican will contacted you 3 times in the first month and once a month after that until your baby was nine months old. The study dietitian asked a series of questions and provided you with advice if needed.

Annual visits to the centre are planned from the age of 3 to 10 years. Study participation ends when your child is 10 years old.

In the US, the participant is not expected to visit a site. For those families who live a distance from the US site, the child's, growth parameters, health information and immunization record can be obtained by the study nurse over the phone. Needed blood samples can be done at a local hospital, doctor's office or lab. This will be arranged by the study coordinator.

In Canada, most study visits occur at the study centres. For those unable to visit a site, arrangements are made by the study coordinator for a more convenient location.

The information given here is a summary and we encourage you to speak to local study coordinators and study doctors for more information. Please see the list of Participating North American Sites to find contact information for the nearest participating city.





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